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3 February 2012

The Intervener?

To come between so as to prevent or alter a result or course of events. 

I'm sure we've all at one point or another asked ourselves how it is that God 'allows' children in Africa, Thailand, or places such as Haiti die from neglect and/or starvation.  Or how it is that He could sit back and 'allow' children to be beaten and starved within abusive homes?  I could continue on and on about different scenarios or circumstances where I have sat back and wondered how it is, that the Creator of All Life, the loving Father could take what I considered was a back seat to the injustice's of the world.  How could a Loving God choose to NOT run to the aid of his beloved children as they journey'd through suffering?

I fought with these questions for many years as I walked my path of infertility.  In my case the Dr's could find nothing wrong with me or my husband and no answers (to this day) could be given as to why we could not conceive.  I spent many days and nights in silence and deep despair, longing for my life to be over...longing for the deep pain to come to an end....longing for death.  And all the while I sat there and wondered how this 'Father', who supposedly loved me more than anything on earth could sit back and be silent...and not INTERVENE. 

In fact, as I sit here now...viewing this all from the 'other side', I would beg to say that throughout my struggle with infertility...this was indeed my most asked question.  And the anger in me only grew stronger when I would see those around me who were also struggling, experience that which I so longed intervention on their behalf.  A miracle.

As I have pursued an answer to this question in my life, I have discovered many things out about myself and God.  

1)  This thinking that God is 'allowing' bad things to happen is wrong.   If you look at life this way, you will start to view 'God' as this entity, living up in the sky who is playing a game with your life.  You will begin to blame him for everything bad that happens to you or your loved ones and you will become bitter.

2)  Life happens and will continue to happen all around us.  There will always be sickness, death, famine, pain, injustice this world.  God is not orchestrating it, instead it is just the natural course of our existence on this round ball we call earth.  In my case, there is something in my body that is not creating healthy eggs...and that is just life.

3)  This is the hard one.  As life happens, God can and will choose to intervene.  Period.  Why He intervenes or why He doesn't intervene is the tough question to deal with.  It is not because He is playing a game with your life, but instead because He sees the full picture and has a reason for His choice to intervene or not.  

4) I OK with the above?  Can I accept that He has a reason which I may never know of, or understand?  Can I continue to believe that He is Good?  Can I rejoice when He intervenes in the lives of those people around me with, (what I will call) Happy Miracles...and yet He does not do the same for me?

I can say that these thoughts and questions ruled me for most of the past 9 years, and they are not easily answered or accepted.  So I will end with this thought for those of you who are in this stage of your journey right now...embrace it, ask these questions, wrestle with God over them and don't give up easily.

(to be continued)....


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